Special Edition – Creating Emotional Regulation During the COVID 19 Outbreak: Practical Information for Parents / Caregivers and their Children

Emotional regulation is critical in the middle of uncertainty. Feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress, boredom are all normal responses at this time. With the COVID19 global crisis, families face such things as indefinite suspension of classroom attendance, working from home, activity and event cancellations, and concern for loved ones; particularly the elderly. Many think of regulation as “being calm” when in fact it is more about staying connected to one’s self. A connection to self can be achieved quickly by noticing what one is feeling and then taking long deep breaths with equal inhales and exhales.

The way we breathe dramatically affects our nervous system. When a person is regulated in a moment, they can think clearly, make a conscious choice, notice their breath, and feel grounded. What is really wonderful is that a caregiver can in fact be an “external regulator” for a child. If the caregiver works toward their own regulation, through naming their experience out loud, breath, and movement, then the child can naturally follow suit.

With many families at home together at this time, building in regulation activities throughout the day is key. Listed below are some examples of activities that can be used to help regulate a dysregulated nervous system. It will be helpful do these pro-actively as well as in times of dysregulation.

  • Be around or connected with familiar and close relationships
  • Breathe, breathe, breathe,
  • Run, jump, spin, dance with pauses to take deep breaths
  • Bounce on a yoga ball or roll across the floor back and forth.
  • Massages or deep pressure on arms and legs
  • Take a bath or shower, splash cold water
  • Walk, run, and move any way that feels good.
  • Make a game and have child jump high to catch something.
  • Art, board games, listen to music.

Other ways to support children:

  • Check in with your child on a regular basis and clarify any misunderstandings
  • Help them express their feelings through art or other activities
  • Keep your family’s schedule consistent with bedtimes, meals, and exercise.
  • Shift expectations to focus on what gives the family meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
  • Give yourself breaks from stress of the situation.
  • Play and enjoy things that we often do not have time for!



  • Fear of being alone, bad dreams      
  • Speech difficulties
  • Loss of bladder/bowel control   
  • Change in appetite  
  • Increased temper tantrums, whining, or clinging 
  • Maintain regular family routines  

How to Help

  • Provide reassurance (verbal and physical)
  • Encourage expression through play/story-telling
  • Allow short-term changes in sleep arrangements
  • Plan calming activities before bedtime
  • Maintain regular family routines   
  • Avoid media exposure

SCHOOL AGE (ages 6-12)


  • Irritability, whining, aggressive behavior
  • Clinging, nightmares
  • Sleep/appetite disturbance
  • Physical symptoms (headaches, stomach-aches
  • Withdrawal from peers, loss of interest
  • Competition for parents’ attention
  • Forgetfulness about chores
  • Encourage expression through play and conversation.

How to Help

  • Patience, tolerance, and reassurance
  • Play sessions and staying in touch with friends through telephone and Internet
  • Regular exercise and stretching
  • Engage in educational activities
  • Set gentle but firm limits
  • Limit media exposure
  • Help family create ideas for enhancing health promotion behaviors and maintaining family routines.



  • Physical symptoms (headaches, rashes, etc.)
  • Sleep/appetite disturbance
  • Agitation or decrease in energy, apathy
  • Ignoring health promotion behaviors
  • Concerns about stigma and injustices
  • Isolating from peers and loved ones.

How To Help

  • Patience, tolerance, and reassurance
  • Encourage continuation of routines
  • Stay in touch with friends through phone, internet, video games
  • Family routines, supporting younger siblings, and planning strategies to enhance health promotion behaviors
  • Limit media exposure. Discuss and address stigma, prejudice and in injustice occurring.

All of us who are parents, grandparents, and caregivers will benefit greatly from taking time throughout the day to breathe intentionally, regulate our own thoughts and feelings as best we can and then celebrate and be grateful for our loving presence in the lives of our children.

With compassion, respect and integrity, we help people to build hope, growth and well-being. As we thrive in our personal and professional well-being, we will support people to heal and transform their lives, making a positive impact on their families, workplaces and communities.
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